Saturday, November 12, 2016

Orion's Belt

Orion has returned to our skies, and winter begins to bloom.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Gray Tree Frog Pool Side

Gray Tree Frog

    (Hyla versicolor                                 June 29, 2016
This little fellow was photographed sitting on the side of my swimming pool in Metro-west Boston. I often have six or more gray tree frogs singing around this ole watering hole at night. A small arboreal frog, native to much of the eastern United States and southeastern Canada, this species has a strong voice and loves to participate in neighborhood late night croak-offs. I never get annoyed with them, and miss the chorus when they go quiet. To counter this, I've developed a pretty good mimic of their croak and use it to egg them back into song. They seem to respond positively to my participation because they always start singing again. Or, . . .  perhaps they are just complaining and asking me to be quiet so that they can go to sleep or get back to what ever it is they were up to?